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2023 PCTP 911 Classic Celebration Dinner





台北保時捷精心打造911的60週年晚宴為車主們特別規劃於『維修中心』舉辦,在享用佳餚的同時並且能欣賞特別展示出的數輛911車款,包含無可取代的傳奇之作 911 Carrera RS 2.7、渦輪的起源 911 Turbo (930)、964 世代的 911、外型與設計皆為經典的 993 Targa、道路絕對性能指標 996 GT3、立下新科技里程碑的 997 Carrera、911 五十周年紀念版、以及馬力與性能都相當驚人的 992 Sport Classic。這一切讓在場的所有人都留下一個美妙的夜晚。

Porsche Taipei meticulously arranged the 60th-anniversary dinner for the 911. Porsche Center Taipei curated the event at the "Service Center" exclusively for car owners to mark this special occasion. Guests indulged in delectable cuisine while marveling at an array of 911 models on display, including priceless ones. The iconic 911 Carrera RS 2.7, the groundbreaking 911 Turbo (930), the 911 from the 964 generation, the classic 993 Targa with its timeless design, the high-performance 996 GT3, the 997 Carrera that set new technological standards, the 911 50th Anniversary Edition, and the powerful 992 Sport Classic were all showcased, creating an unforgettable evening for everyone.




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