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Beck Lee

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全方位整合 展現賓士未來移動願景


This exhibition is Mercedes-Benz's future mobility vision

with planning the immersive experience from creative thinking, strategy execution, and online and offline integration.


兩年一度台北世界新車大展,十二點原生概念以「未來即現 The Future is Now」為主題,依據賓士C.A.S.E策略,打造2030年的未來台北城市風貌,呈現 Mercedes-Benz 對未來移動的願景。總面積


The biennial Taipei World New Auto Show, we take "The Future is Now" as the theme, and based on Mercedes-Benz's C.A.S.E strategy, it creates the future cityscape of Taipei in 2030, presenting Mercedes-Benz's vision for future mobility. With an area of 2479 m2, facing about 100,000 visitors during the 10-day exhibition period, we demonstrated all-around capabilities from creative development to O2O, software and hardware integration, and design to execution, setting a new benchmark for the world's new car exhibition.


歡迎來到 2030 的台北

Mercedes-Benz將引領台北邁向 C.A.S.E 四大願景


Connected 聯網科技
連動車與車、人與車、人與人之間  享有更舒適的移動時間


Autonomous 智能駕馭
逐步取代自駕  在車內盡享自由時光


Shared & Service 共享與服務
資源的共享  讓應用得以最大化


Electric 電能驅動
更乾淨的能源主張  打造永續未來

與時俱進的移動方式  啟動更好的生活模式
Welcome to Taipei 2030.

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創意力Creative Power

Challenge :「有感」傳遞賓士對未來的擘劃及野心

Create "Feeling" conveys Mercedes-Benz's plans and ambitions for the future.

1. 改變我們的城市-台北市將「城市樣貌」隨著移動需求改變,呈現在消費者眼前。


Changing our Taipei City appearance along with mobile demand in the future.

Civic Boulevard has transformed from the early railway tracks to underground railways and rebuilt it into flat roads and elevated roads, after that transformed into a "civic skyline garden," the underground passage transformed into an "underground expressway." 

圖2:Mercedes-Benz全新概念車Version EQ Silver A

2.「最真實的情境」 十二點原生概念創意著重帶出未來可及的生活型態細節,貼近民眾生活,引發共鳴。

"The most realistic situation." we focuses on bringing out the details of lifestyle that can be reached in the future, close to the lives of the people, and raise the vibes. 






3. 純電化開啟「未來城市新想像」,「市民快速道路-電車專屬通道」呈現純電車移動充電可能。在「未來電影院」,民眾用聲音與跳動轉換為城市供電。使用 Mobile device 上的專屬 2030 年台北市民證完成生活上的瑣事,讓生活與科技緊密結合。

Electricity opens up a "new imagination of future cities," and "citizen expressway-exclusive passage for trams" presents the possibility of mobile charging for  electric vehicles. In the "Cinema of the Future," people use sound to convert into power supply for the city. Use the exclusive 2030 Taipei citizen card on the mobile device to complete the chores in life, so that life and technology integrates.







整合力Integration Power

Challenge : 體驗、設計、服務,全方位思考讓民眾感受2030台北街頭
experience, design and service integrated thinking.

Let the public feel the streets of Taipei 2030.

1. 螢幕與素材整合:為了呈現擬真的未來場景,現場動用60組螢幕,播放200支動畫。功能包含:交通號誌、路牌、城市訊息跑馬燈、街景模擬、體驗區螢幕...等,更依照不同使用特性,配置不同種類螢幕。

Screen and material integration: To present a realistic future scene, 60 screens were used on-site to play 200 animations for traffic signs, street signs, city information marquee, street view simulation, screens in the experience area, etc., and different types of screens were configured according to different usage characteristics.

2. 設計整合:將城市空間包含街頭、潮流、戶外、公共建設等..., 融入展區之中,並用不同材質演繹各區特質。

Design integration: Integrate urban space, including streets, trends, outdoors, public construction, etc., into the exhibition area, and use different materials to deduce the characteristics of each area.









3. 線上線下整合 one web + one ID = one experience :專屬市民證與專屬導覽網頁,可瀏覽各區介紹、搜尋車輛,甚至在系統裡預約試乘與報名體驗區活動。系統能辦別民眾參與程度給予不同的獎勵與兌換卷,增加民眾的參與度。達成無人化、無章化、高自主性無壓力的自由導覽闖關活動。

Online and offline integration one web + one ID = one experience.

Exclusive citizen card and exclusive guide webpage, you can browse the introduction of each district, search for vehicles, and even make reservations for test rides and sign up for experience area activities in the system. The system can give different rewards and redemption coupons depending on the participation. It achieves automation, unstructured, highly autonomous, and stress-free free guided tours.

4. 服務整合 :精品店販售、資融服務、無人商店運作與補給、1, 2 樓咖啡廳合作餐點與異業合作洽談...等,


Service integration: boutique sales, financial services, automation store operation and replenishment, cooperative meals in coffee shops on the 1st and 2nd floors, and cross-industry cooperation negotiations.


設計力Design Power

Challenge : 750坪的展場、30萬流動人次壓力

2479 m2 exhibition hall, 300,000 visitors.

1. 創新的想法要靠完美的細節演繹,十二點原生概念設計團隊追求展區內不花俏但對於每個細節的靈魂雕琢。

Innovative ideas depend on the interpretation of perfect details. The  12 O'clock team pursues the soul of every detail in the exhibition area without being fancy.

2. 為達到完整的沈浸式體驗,團隊設計細膩的聲音情境,包括如市民綠地的自然音效、地下快速通道車流速度音效以及透過虛擬市民嚮導-席夢,引導所有市民(消費者)感受未來台北的生活。

To achieve a completely immersive experience, the team designed delicate sound situations, including the natural sound effects of the public green spaces, the sound effects of the traffic speed of the underground expressway, and through the virtual citizen guide - Simon, to guide all citizens (consumers) to experience the life of future Taipei.

3. 製作物風格的一致性與多樣化,讓體驗更完整。

Consistency and diversification of the production style make the experience richer


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4. 體驗動線設計:完全跳脫展場思考,將主舞台設計在展區後方,使主要體驗與休憩兌換集中在中央,將民眾由過路客轉變為體驗者由中央通道進入各展區,並在中央聚集,提高體驗者於展區中的停留時間。停留時間越久,幫助品牌更深入的與消費者在實際、心裡的互動,增加品牌好感度。

Wayfinding experience design: completely breaking away from the thinking of the normal exhibition site, we designed the main stage behind the exhibition area, concentrating on the main experience in the center, therefore entering each exhibition area from the central passage to increase the stay time of experienced visitors in the exhibition area. The longer the stay time, the more in-depth interaction between the brand and consumers in reality and increased the brand experience.


5. 體驗流程設計:台灣車展首次導入「數位導覽」系統,整合過往的大量文宣、車模、業代講解,達到無紙化的願景,利用虛擬主持人串連每個主題區,民眾利用手機便可暢遊展區並深入了解賓士品牌對未來的佈局。

Experience process design: The Taiwan Auto Show introduced the "digital guide" system, integrating literature, car models, and industry representative explanations to achieve a paperless vision as well as using virtual hosts to connect each theme area, the public can use their mobile phones to tour the exhibition area and gain an in-depth understanding of the Mercedes-Benz brand's future layout.


執行力Execution Power

Challenge : 在最有限時間,做最準確的臨場反應與風險控管
Do the most accurate on-the-spot response and risk control limited time.

1. 動用1257人次工作人員確保展場活動順利進行,包括各區工作人員、汽車美容、業代、咖啡廳服務人員、街頭藝人與燈光、視訊技術人員等。

1,257 staff members employed to ensure the smooth progress of the exhibition activities, including staff from various districts, car detailing, industry representatives, coffee shop service staff, street performers, lighting and video technicians, etc.


2. 鋼材結構由建築師風險控管,並每 40 分鐘做結構巡查。

The steel structure is under risk control by the architect, and structural inspections are carried out every 40 minutes.

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3. 原生人擁有豐富展場經驗,所有指令佈達準確且現場應變能力快速。

12 O'clock Group Creative Concept has extensive exhibition experience, all instructions are accurate with fast on-site response ability.

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4. 每個重點區域與出入口都做即時的人數總量控管。

Real-time total number of attendance controlled in each key area and entrance and exit.


5. 即時的線上後台團隊,隨時監控與確保線上體驗的流暢度,並且針對現場狀況做線上贈品的數量調整。

The real-time online background team ensures the smoothness of the online experience at any time, and adjusts the number of online gifts according to the on-site situation.

6. 未雨綢繆,線上系統若有臨時超載狀況,線下也準備好計畫,提供民眾無接縫的服務。

We Prepared for a rainy day as well in case the online system got temporarily overloaded, an offline plan was also prepared to provide seamless services to the public.

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7. 花費僅僅5天進場與1天撤場時間,搭出750坪面積,2層樓結構與13個主題展區。

It took only 5 days to build and 1 day to deconstruct the venue to build an area of 2479 m2, a 2-story structure and 13 themed exhibition areas.


12 O'clock Group Creative Concept team realizes the imagination of the future for customers. Thanks to the trust of customers and the assistance of manufacturers, we set a new benchmark for future auto shows and present Taipei 2030 in front of 100,000 people.

1. 13個展區、6⼤主題體驗內容打破多項紀錄: 世界新⾞大展⾸次出現400平⽅方公尺的空橋。
13 exhibition areas and 6 major themed experience content broke many records: The 400-square-meter air bridge appeared for the first time in the World New Car Exhibition.

2. 全場皆以真實植栽營造真實場境,並於活動結束妥善養護植栽回歸市容。
The whole venue uses real plants to create a real scene, and after the event is over, the plants are maintained and returned to the city.

3. 使用多種媒體打造未來場景: 以透明螢幕、地屏、Led、跑⾺馬燈、電視、投影等不同形式呈現,動用60組螢 幕,總面積超過3個籃球場面積。
Use mix media to create future scenes: presented in different forms such as transparent screens, floor screens, Leds, marquees, TVs, projections, etc., using 60 screens, with a total area of more than 3 basketball courts.

4. 透過線下消費者體驗(搜尋車輛、參與活動)搜集大數據,分析消費者行為,將參與⼈數據有效化。
Collect big data through offline consumer experience (search for vehicles, participate in activities), analyze consumer behavior, and make participant data effective.


Our Partners:

Photographer- Ian Hsu / 彼得彼得 / Hank Kuo  

Lighting Design- RokerflyDesign設計工作室 / Kevin C. Jw

Visual Effects & Animation- 十二點黑山基地 / Jason / 江受寬 

Costume Design & Production- A Ka Mario / Xie Xie(上海)

Lighting, Audio Visual Service- 民偉視訊工程

Production Company- 廣來工程碩河工程 、佳憶舞台

Floral Design- Honey Daniel

Mechanical Engineering- 瑞楷劉大哥

Electricity- 彬哥 / 西北水電工程有限公司

Props玩美企業有限公司 / 興泰陽舞台燈光佈景工程有限公司

Manpower- Mars花花

F&BCAFE!N / 魚刺人 / 貓下去 / PUREBREAD

Car Beauty美麗谷實業有限公司


Future Talk Guest

岑永康(host) / 知名主持人暨作家 陶晶瑩 / 心理學作家 劉軒 / 第56屆金馬獎最佳新導演入圍 徐嘉凱 / Garmin亞洲區汽車事業群資深總監 沈致瑋 / 行政院政務委員 唐鳳 / 天下雜誌未來頻道總監 陳芳毓 / 富比世青年創業家 張希慈 / 知名女主持人與Studio 6ix 創辦人 廖盈婷 / 平珩國際董事長 Cindy /

PR Agency凱雷國際顧問有限公司

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